Parking Citation Initial Review Form

Step 1 of 6

This website allows you to contest one citation at a time.

To contest a parking citation, you may request an Initial Review by completing the form below. The request for review must be made within 21 days of the citation issue date or 14 days from the first overdue notice. Initial review requests received after the contesting period may not be allowed per California Vehicle Code 40215.

As part of the contesting process, you will be allowed to upload 3 documents to support the Initial Review process.

Should you decide to pay your ticket online, you will be provided a link directly to the City's Pay By Web Site.

You are not required to pay your citation in order to contest. However, per section 40204 of the California Vehicle Code, if you pay your citation without contesting at the same time, the citation will be considered closed and you will not be able to contest your citation.

Please enter the ticket number as it appears on your citation.

Click here to print a blank copy of the dispute form for mailing.

Per the California Vehicle Code, you may have only one review per citation within the statutory time limits.

While in the process of protesting your citation, additional penalties will not be added to the violation.

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