Welcome to the City of West Hollywood Parking Services Division

Online Citation Contest 

The City is currently upgrading its parking system. Parking accounts will be inaccessible, both online and at City Hall, from Wednesday, December 7, at 5pm until after 9am on Monday, December 12. Citations and appeals due during this period will be granted an additional 72 hours from 9am on December 12 before they are considered due.

Services unaffected during this change are the City's moving permit application portal and our in-person visitor permits. Visitor permits are still available for redemption at the Kings Road Parking Garage Office from 8am until 12am and at City Hall during regular business hours.

After December 12, please contact the City's Citation Customer Service Center during business hours at westhollywood@t2systems.com with questions, or help regarding a citation and/or appeal. The Center may also be reached by phone at (888) 736-7697. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we make these changes. Please check our FAQ for additional information.

Thank you.