Contact Us

Important Telephone Numbers and Addresses

The Parking Violations Bureau can be contacted by telephone, mail, and in-person.

Customer Service Hotline

The Customer Service Hotline's automated response system and credit card pay-by-phone service are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customer Service Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8AM - 4PM.

(855) 664-4744 (8:00AM - 4:00PM , M-F)


Walk-In Customer Service Center

City of Cleveland Vehicle Impound & Clerk of Courts Payment Center
3040 Quigley Rd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Administrative Hearing Location

Your Administrative Hearing will take place at the following location:

City of Cleveland
Parking Violations Bureau
Justice Center - Level 2
1200 Ontario Street
Cleveland, OH 44113

Mail-In Payment Address

Mail-In payments are accepted by check, money order, and cashiers check. Payment must be sent in U.S. currency. Please do not send cash or credit card numbers through the mail.


Parking Tickets:

City of Cleveland
Parking Violations Bureau
P.O.Box 99939
Cleveland, OH 44199-0939


Please place the ticket number(s) on the check or money order. If you have received a notice concerning the violation through the mail, please send the attached payment coupon along with your payment. This will ensure that your payment is processed quickly and accurately.

Correspondence Address

Correspondence should be sent to the following address:

City of Cleveland
Parking Violations Bureau
P.O.Box 99939
Cleveland, OH 44199-0939