About Getting a Permit

You'll need to provide this information when you apply for Residential Parking Permits.

  1. Name of the resident vehicle owner
  2. Residential address
  3. Operator's state driver's license number
  4. Make, model, license plate number
  5. Vehicle identification number
  6. Current vehicle registration
  7. Proof of residency - 1 required:
    • A copy of the applicant's unexpired driver's license; or
    • A copy of a City of Detroit Municipal Identification card; or
    • A declaration of residency by the owner; or
    • A declaration of residency by the manager of a rental property
  8. To view a list of current Residential Parking Zones, please select here to download the maps

Types of permits

  • Residential Parking Permit - Mortgage or lease holders may receive a permit
  • Senior Residential Parking Permit - Mortgage or lease holders may receive a permit at discount based on age
  • Income Exempt Parking Permit - Mortgage or lease holders may receive a permit at discount if qualified
  • Property Owner Parking Permit - Allows 1 permit per property and eligibility for visitor permits - the same plate number must be used for all properties
  • Caregiver Parking Permit - Allows up to 3 caregiver permits for in-home medical or child care, including family child care employees
  • Rental Parking Permit - Allows for auto rental permits

Cost of permits

Permit Description One-Time
Administrative Fee
Annual Permit
Visitor Permit Fee
per use (30 each)
Zone Transfer
Residential Parking Permit $35.00 $60.00 $1.00 $20.00
Senior Residential Parking Permit $35.00 $30.00 $1.00 $20.00
Income Exempt Parking Permit $35.00 $30.00 $1.00 $20.00
Property Owner Parking Permit $35.00 $60.00 $1.00 $20.00

Permit Eligibility

  • Residences with NO on-street parking are eligible for 3 vehicles in an RPPA (Residential Parking Permit Area) - as determined by Municipal Parking
  • Residences WITH accessory off-street parking are eligible for 2 vehicles in an RPPA - as determined by Municipal Parking
  • Property owners are eligible for 1 permit in an RPPA
  • Visitor permits - 30 permits allowed annually

Types of Parking Zones

Residential Zone Type Permissions
Sign Only - 24 Hours Only:
  • Registered residential vehicles
  • Visitor and caregiver passes
Sign Only - Limited Hours
(example: 7 p.m. to 9 a.m.)
  • Registered residential vehicles all time periods
  • Visitor and caregiver passes all time periods
All Other Vehicles:
  • Park outside designated residential period
Sign & Kiosks - Specific Hours
(example: 7 p.m. to 9 a.m.)
  • Registered residential vehicles park all time periods without paying at the kiosk
  • Visitor and caregiver passes park all time periods without paying at the kiosk
  • Non-registered vehicles pay and park limited periods
Sign & Kiosks - 24 Hours
  • Registered residential, visitor, and caregiver passes park without paying the kiosk
  • Non-registered vehicles pay at the kiosks

Income Exempt

Citizens seeking income exempt status must contact the Detroit Board of Review Department at 313-628-0722, which will screen and qualify applicants.

The Citizen Initiative enables residents to petition to the City of Detroit to designate partial blocks or as large as several blocks as an RPPA (Residential Parking Permit Area).

An individual resident or group of residents may submit a petition to the Office of the City Clerk requesting that the district be designated a residential parking permit area when the residential district, in their opinion, is unreasonably impacted by parking congestion caused by the district's proximity to a traffic generator.

Here are the steps to creating an RPPA:

  1. Obtain a petition from the City Clerk website
  2. Submit complete petition with signatures from at least 60% of all residences
    • Multi-family dwellings (e.g., apartments) are considered one residence for petition purposes; petition must be signed by building owner
    • Single family dwellings (house, townhouse, condo) are considered one residence for petition purposes and must be signed by owner or renter
  3. The City Clerk forwards the petition to the Department of Public Works and Municipal Parking
  4. Municipal Parking develops unique RPPA zone in response to the petition
  5. Municipal Parking holds a public hearing
  6. City Council holds a public hearing to approve or deny the RPPA
  7. Municipal Parking implements the RPPA
  8. Residents enroll in the RPPA

Obtain Petition

Neighborhood Residents

Submit Petition

City Clerk's Office

Residential Zone Viability

Department of Public Works

Residential Zone Development

Municipal Parking

Public Hearing

City Clerk's Office

City Council Approval

City Council

Residential Zone Implementation

Municipal Parking

Community Input

Opportunities for Community Input in the RPPA Process:

  • Municipal Parking shall coordinate at least 1 public meeting to discuss the proposed RPPA prior to submitting a formal recommendation; noticed by Clerk to all properties within 300 radial feet, which shall be posted on Clerk website
  • City Council shall hold at least 1 public hearing after receipt of recommendation from Municipal Parking
  • After public hearings and community meetings, the City Council will determine whether or not to establish an RPPA by resolution after reviewing all public comments, associated studies, letters, and other input

Need help?
For Parking Meter Questions Call 313-925-7860
For Residential Parking Permit Questions Call 313-963-9630

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